2025 Season Passes Available

The Pro Shop will be back to regular hours beginning on Monday March 17, 2025 in preparation for the 2025 golf season. Until then you can make appointments by sending us an email. We’ll respond with arrangements to meet you!

Our renovated Clubhouse restaurant, The “WOW Store Cochrane” is open throughout the year. The WOW Store can be reached at: 587-362-2443

Cochrane Golf Club

If you’re looking for a couple hours of fun, kick back casual golf, played on immaculate greens and yet only a 20 minute drive west of Calgary, you have found us! This nine hole charmer and eighteen hole mini-golf course are waiting to entertain you.

5th Hole – Green

We are Cochrane’s “Original” golf course

From your arrival to your last putt, you will encounter genuine hospitality, with a host of smiling team members craving to ensure your experience is “Crazy Fun”, unique and filled with indelible memories.

… So as this western town would say: Saddle up, click your heels and ride on down here. We look forward to your visit and every single visit beyond your first. You’ll never know what will happen next at the Cochrane Golf Club!

Oh… we are also pet friendly, and if Mother Nature happens to rain on you, we will invite you to come back on a brighter day to redeem your raincheck for credit of your unfinished holes.

Congratulations to our Men’s League for supporting the Cochrane Humane Society

June 6, 2023 – Thanks and congratulations to our Men’s League for raising money to support the Cochrane and Area Humane Society! The league members bought $1000 in 50/50 draw tickets, and raised an additional $315.00 in cash donations. We think it’s fantastic that their combined efforts will help many animals in need! Way to go guys!