Cochrane Club Policies & Rules

NO SHOW POLICY: Please respect our tee time inventory for your fellow golfers. Each and every year golf courses absorb thousands of dollars of lost revenue due to golfers not showing up for their tee time reservations. Contrary to common belief, many golf courses (particularly 9 hole facilities) struggle to be profitable. Each and every person that pays and plays makes a huge difference in addressing this continuing problem. Cochrane Golf Club will be imposing a $15.00 per person no show golf fee to any golfers within your reservation that do not show. The guest who makes the reservation will be responsible for this fee. All golfers have the benefit of cancelling or modifying their reservation up to 4 hours in advance, allowing the golf course the opportunity to fill those vacancies. Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.

DRESS CODE: We are kick back casual, accepting both traditional golf attire and clean casual clothing. We accept shirts with collars, golf pants and shorts, clean denim pants without holes, and collarless shirts providing they are tasteful without rude/vulgar sayings or logos. We do NOT accept swimwear, tank or halter tops. Although we are a little country, for footwear it’s best to stick to golf or running shoes. Leave your cowboy boots or heels in the vehicle for after.

CONDUCT: Respectful conduct is a must for the enjoyment of all of our guests. Therefore, please do not use foul or offensive language, be disrespectful to staff or other golfers, or abuse any Cochrane Golf Club property or equipment. If you participate in any of the above, you will kindly be asked to leave the premises. Sorry, no rain checks provided for poor conduct. We pride ourselves on being a fun place to spend your valuable time, so being grumpy will not be tolerated… As the cliché goes, life is too short.

RESIDENT HOMES: It is the responsibility of all golfers to assume liability for damages to any property that surrounds the golf course. Accept responsibility. If the home owner has not witnessed the damage, let the on course Players Assistant or Pro Shop staff know of the situation. We all appreciate your honesty and integrity. Please do not retrieve golf balls from their property. Leave the golf ball in the yard. It deserves to be there! Did you know that damage to resident’s homes is covered under your own home insurance policy?

JUNIOR GOLF: No junior golfer under the age of 12 is permitted to golf without being accompanied by an adult. All junior golfers must respect all golf club policies and procedures. No person under the age of 5 is permitted on the golf course. All juniors must have their own set of golf clubs, and respect pace of play.

PACE OF PLAY: Will be strictly monitored and enforced. Groups may be asked to play best ball or advance their position on the golf course to maintain pace, please review “Giddy Up” golf. The golf course marshals have full authority to act accordingly, and their decisions are to be respected without question and are final. Refunds or rain checks will not be issued if the situation is not suitable by our guests. A 9-hole round of golf should take 2 hours maximum. With our apologies, please respect our position and allow your fellow golfers playing behind you to enjoy their day as well.

POWER CARTS: You must be 18 years old and have a valid driver’s licence to rent a power cart. Anyone under the age of 18 is NOT permitted to operate a power cart. Golfers may have to provide a valid credit card before being allowed to rent a cart, and will be liable for any damages incurred to the cart when rented. Repairs will be completed by an authorized Club Car technician without delay, and the complete cost of repairs automatically billed to the Renter’s credit card.

NON-PLAYING RIDERS / WALKERS: No one under the age of 5 is allowed on the golf course or riding along with you. Cochrane Golf Club, with sole discretion, will allow walkers on the golf course. Walkers must abide by all the rules and regulations of the golf course. No more than 2 walkers per group will be permitted. If renting a power cart, the non-golfer (regardless of age) must pay for the seat on the cart. The cost to ride for 9 holes is $13 +GST. Walkers or riders must NOT participate in golfing: If caught golfing they will be asked to leave the golf course immediately without debate. Don’t break the rules!

All our team members have the authority to monitor, react to, and follow through with the above stated policies without question or dispute. If you feel we have handled the situation unjustly, ask to speak to the duty manager or Golf Operations Manager.