Bring your furry family!

We love our canines here at the Cochrane Golf Club and are therefore one of the few courses in Canada to offer a Pet Friendly environment. Lonely puppy sitting at home, or need to exercise your pooch? Bring them golfing with you. You are not totally off the hook as there are a few puppy policies and procedures you must obey.

Your dog must pay a $5 green fee. The fee we charge is not for profit: 200% of the money received goes directly to support the Cochrane and Area Humane Society, our chosen charity!

In 2023, over $5,000 dollars was donated to the Cochrane and Area Humane Society thanks to our furry friends and owners. We thank you.

Continuing Program: If you discover your pet is the best caddie EVER and plan to bring your pet often, we now offer an annual Pet Membership for $75 allowing unlimited caddie charges for the season.

On-Leash and Off-Green

Rules of Play

  • You are fully responsible and liable for having your dog on the golf course property (Dog waiver to be signed before starting your round of golf)
  • Your dog MUST behave, obey and not disturb, in any way, our other guests
  • Your dog MUST remain on their leash AT ALL TIMES
  • Your dog MUST NOT play in the sand traps or on the greens
  • You MUST pick up any waste
  • Tinkle time…. please stay off the tees, greens and fairways. There is lots of rough and other areas out there.

If the rules, policies and expected behaviour of your pet is not met to our expectations, you and your pet will be asked to leave the premises. All team members will have the authority to monitor the behaviour and execute the above dismissal.